
SAT examination is the first formal record of your academic ability. For many of you, this is your first experience with an online tuition plan. Online tuition offers greater flexibility and efficiency. It is a great and effective way to learn on the go or at the comfort of your own home. SAT results are a crucial part of your academic journey, the results you get can affect the following:

• The qualifications you take next

• Your eligibility for a university course

• The universities you can apply to

• Your career prospects

Though it can be a challenging time, we are here to assist you along the way.

Course Topics

  • Analysing fictions

    Fictions text types
    Characterisation and narrative voice
    Language and structure
    Annotating texts
    Responding to a fiction text

  • Analysing non-fictions

    Non-fiction text types
    Purpose and audience
    Language and structure
    Responding to a non-fiction text

  • Comparing texts

    How to compare texts

  • Writing

    Audience, purpose and form
    Writing fiction
    Writing non-fiction
    Organising information and ideas
    Using language effectively

  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar


Key Details

  • Timetable

    The live lessons will be 1 hour long and will be scheduled within these hours of operation:

    • Monday to Friday: 16:00 – 21:00 pm (GMT+1)

    • Saturday to Sunday: 11:00 – 21:00 pm (GMT+1)

  • What are the schedules for the live lessons?

    After the level assessment, we will schedule the live lessons within our hours of operation. We will try our absolute best to host the live lessons around your availability. Our live lessons are recorded for play back for anyone missing out on the live lessons.

  • How many months do I need?

    The length of study will depend on 3 factors: your tuition plan, current level of understanding towards the subject and the desired result you want to achieve. We carefully monitor each student’s progress and assess as to whether they are on track to achieve their desired result. Our expert tutor will advise as to whether the student is ready for the examination.

  • What is your students’ success rate?

    The success rate will depend on various factors such as level of participation, time spent on self-studying and attendance. Our monthly progress report tracks students’ performance to ensure they are on path to success.

  • Who will teach the live lessons?

    We have expert tutors graduated from prestigious educational institutes such as Oxford, Imperial College London and University of Manchester. Our expert tutors possess a wealth of experience and knowledge to deliver high quality interactive lessons. Our expert tutors are friendly, approachable, and patient so even the shyest students will feel comfortable.